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What American Companies need to know about Workers Compensation in Canada

Workers Comp Simplified is the trusted expert helping American companies navigate the WCB system in Canada.

Understand the System

Gain the Confidence

Trust the Advice

What’s the difference between Workers Compensation in Canada and the United States?

While Canada might seem like this vast wilderness, the way WCB claims are managed in Canada are similar and yet very different to the states. This is because in Canada, the WCB system is guided by the province as opposed to private insurance companies which is more common in the United States.

Most of our clients want to know:

What’s OSHA like in Canada?

How are things different in short/long term disability, and WCB?

What’s the process to open an account and report injuries?

What role does national healthcare play?

How are claims managed and appealed in Canada?

Does personal insurance play a role?

Why be intimidated by WCB in Canada, with Workers Comp Simplified, we make sure a trusted advisor guides in all matters WCB.

Protect Yourself With an Account Review

With a WCB account review we show you how to protect yourself and your company from the impact WCB claims can have on all areas of your business.


We get to know you and your company. This includes details about your operations and industry.


We provide an orientation of basic differences between the USA and Canada.


From here we can work together to build a custom plan to take care of you and your company’s needs.

In what ways does Workers Comp Simplified help U.S. based companies?

We offer a full suite of resources and services to help you manage and appeal WCB claims in Canada.

Open a WCB Account in Canada

We teach you how to open a WCB Account in Canada.

Customized Programs

We help ensure injured workers are managed properly, deter fraudulent claims, orientate employees and companies on responsibilities as they relate to WCB and Communicate a clear process specific to your organizational needs

Individual and Corporate WCB Training

Whether you want to improve your own skills or that of your employees when it comes to managing and appealing WCB claims, Workers Comp Simplified offers a wide range of training options to meet your needs.

Are you a Canadian working for an American company and are struggling with WCB claims?

We often get a health and safety manager or business professional calling us because they are working for an American company that just “doesn’t get how things are done up here.”

We can help you open the discussion with your American senior management to get the resources and support you need to manage and appeal WCB claims in Canada. 

Acquiring a Canadian company as a U.S. based organization does come with challenges, but you can avoid the intimating feeling of wondering how things work. 

At Workers Comp Simplified we know it’s important to respect cultures and corporate traditions as well as take care of employees. We make sure to walk with you through this whole process to accelerate your business goals while protecting your company from the risks that come with WCB.

Training Programs for U.S. Companies in Canada

Workers Comp Simplified provides comprehensive training, programs, and expert guidance to help American companies navigate the Canadian Workers Compensation system with ease.

Use Our Network to Help You!

In all our training and programs we talk about building a team. Which is exactly what we’ve done. We’ve assembled the best in the business to help you when you need it in and out of Workers Compensation.

Medical and Legal WCB Consulting for American Companies in Canada

Our friends include:

Occupational Health and Safety Legal Representation

If you find yourself facing charges or orders from occupational health and safety, we will put you in touch with one of only a handful of former prosecutors now OHS defense lawyers in Canada.

Medical Surgeons and Specialists

Whether you have a worker that’s injured and needs treatment by a surgeon or specialist or you’re seeking a medical opinion to appeal a WCB claim, our network of medical professionals are there to assist you.