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Workers Compensation Training and Program Development for Employers

WCB experts that teach you and your team the secrets professional WCB consultants use to manage and appeal WCB claims.

Know the WCB System

Create a Program That Works

Build Your Team

Empowering Canadian businesses & professionals to manage WCB efficiently and confidently

Workers Comp Simplified is the trusted resource for workers’ compensation training across Canada.

We don’t just manage claims and appeals, we help your organization create better workforces. By delivering unparalleled access to high-quality WCB information through company WCB training, on-demand courses, coaching and representation, we’re empowering you to make educated decisions quickly, properly and cost-efficiently.

How do you feel when dealing with WCB claims?

Are you afraid of what to write on a WCB employer’s report?

Have you felt worried about a WCB claim decision?

Unsure of the Canadian WCB system and what you should do

Does your team struggle to get the information you need when a WCB claim is reported?

Frustrated with the length of time it takes to get a response from WCB, WSIB, or Worksafe

These are all symptoms of a bigger problem. Usually because you or your organization lack the structure, training, or resources to alleviate the anxiety that comes with WCB claims. 

The reason most companies struggle with Workers Compensation is because:

They are unsure of how WCB claims affect their company

Their system for responding to claims isn’t working

Their people aren’t trained in responding to WCB claims

They lack the confidence when dealing with Workers Compensation

I’m Sick and Tired of Watching You Struggle

Problem #1

You don’t know how a WCB claim actually impacts your company and you’re listening to the wrong people.

The workers compensation system in Canada was always a challenge and now it seems worse. In most provinces, WCB has been struggling to manage claims, respond to emails/phone calls, and answer your questions. 

Problem #2

Most companies don’t have a WCB program or if they do, it’s not being followed properly. This results in claims being reported late, information being missed, and poor decision making by you and your team which leads to stress and increased costs. 

Problem #3

You and your team/front line staff are not confident in responding to WCB claims. This is because either you or your team haven’t been trained properly to deal with WCB claims. They’re unsure how to get the story of what happened, document it, and then take care of the worker. 
Even if there is one person in the company that does, you still rely on the team around you to properly handle the claim. 

Take Control of Your WCB Account Today

Our unique approach to WCB learning and training provides three different options- In Office WCB Training for your OrganizationOnline WCB Courses and Representation – to serve your unique needs, resources and budget.

WCB Training

WCB Training

Whether you’re a seasoned vet or completely new to WCB our training is designed to take you to the next level. We have corporate and individual training which can all be customized to cater to various backgrounds, experience levels, and roles within your company. 

Our training ensures that you and your team can make the right decisions quickly regardless of circumstances to get the results you need.

WCB Program Optimization

Depending on the size of your company and experience with WCB you may fall into two categories. Either you have a program, but your team struggles to execute even the most basic tasks during a claim…OR…you don’t have a program and no one knows what to do when a worker reports an injury they feel is work related. 

Why not let a WCB expert take a look at your program, see where the gaps are, and then together we can rebuild it to close those gaps. 

If you don’t have a program, we’ll work together to build a custom program from scratch. 

wcb program optimization
WCB Representation

WCB Representation

Sometimes you don’t have the time or personnel to manage or appeal a WCB claim. Let us represent you, manage claims and appeals on your behalf. Rest assured knowing our team of qualified experts can handle any wcb claim in any province.

Online WCB Training

Don’t have time for formal one-on-one workers compensation training for your company or organization? but still need knowledge? Access our expert coaching and mentorship for specific, real-time advice on what to say and do next with your WCB claim or appeal.

WCB Online Training


Schedule a call

All of our services are customized to you and your company needs. Which is why begin with an initial consultation to get to know you and your need to ensure we’re the right partner for you.


Select the services

From there we will provide you with a recommendation of the services that would resolve your issues the best in the shortest amount of time.


Start working together

Once we’ve agreed to the services and terms we get to work helping you and your organization achieve the results you want.

Speak With a WCB Expert Today!

Don’t wait any longer. Take action today and embark on an exciting journey to achieve your goals. Let us guide you through the process and help you unleash your true potential.

Want a promotion or a raise?

Our professional training series has helped dozens of health and safety / human resource professionals learn the skills to manage and appeal WCB claims. This has helped them get promoted or hired for senior level positions within their company or other external opportunities. 

In other situations, students have demonstrated how their new training has been saving the company money and negotiated a higher salary or raise. 

In some provinces, this program can qualify for a provincial job grant which reduces the cost by over 65%

To learn more about your skills development, speak with a WCB expert now.

What Our Clients Say

Hear from our satisfied customers who have experienced the quality and value of our training and consulting services.

Just the information you provided in the last 24 hours has taught me a lot and been worth the investment.

Greg F., HSE Manager

I learned more in the two hour appeal course, than in all my 15 years of health & safety.

Chris C., Health & Safety Manager

I’ve relied on Workers Comp Simplified’s subject matter expertise relating to workplace compensation claims management for a number of unique and complex worker injury cases. Anthony helped mitigate lost time injuries and steer some mismanaged claims in the right direction while also communicating his logic and knowledge surrounding the subject which allowed for learning opportunities and the ability to manage future cases more independently and confidently.

Rachel M., Health and Safety Specialist

There’s no denying the workplace injury claims process can be a beast. The expertise Anthony provides not only saves time, it allows me to approach each situation with calm and confidence while supporting the injured worker.

Leslee M., Occupational Health & Safety Manager

Are you a U.S.A based company working in Canada?

To my friends south of the border, be assured that I can help you too. I know the system is different and a lot of it doesn’t make sense from what you’re used to. The truth is, it’s not that complicated and the large majority of our clients are companies just like yours!

What should American companies know about workers compensation in Canada?