Empowering Canadian businesses & professionals to manage WCB efficiently and confidently
Workers Comp Simplified is the trusted resource for workers’ compensation training across Canada.
We don’t just manage claims and appeals, we help your organization create better workforces. By delivering unparalleled access to high-quality WCB information through company WCB training, on-demand courses, coaching and representation, we’re empowering you to make educated decisions quickly, properly and cost-efficiently.
How do you feel when dealing with WCB claims?
These are all symptoms of a bigger problem. Usually because you or your organization lack the structure, training, or resources to alleviate the anxiety that comes with WCB claims.
The reason most companies struggle with Workers Compensation is because:
Get Started With a Workers Comp Simplified WCB account review
Want a promotion or a raise?
Our professional training series has helped dozens of health and safety / human resource professionals learn the skills to manage and appeal WCB claims. This has helped them get promoted or hired for senior level positions within their company or other external opportunities.
In other situations, students have demonstrated how their new training has been saving the company money and negotiated a higher salary or raise.
In some provinces, this program can qualify for a provincial job grant which reduces the cost by over 65%
To learn more about your skills development, speak with a WCB expert now.
What companies in Ontario need to know about the WSIB strike
In recent days there has been increased media coverage about the potential WSIB strike. Employees of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in Ontario may go on strike if their…
How do I file a Workers Compensation claim?
There are different ways an employer can file a Workers Compensation Claim (WCB). It is usually the same for any company regardless of the province you work in. WCB claims…
Should I hire a workers compensation attorney in Canada?
You don’t need to be a lawyer or hire workers compensation attorneys to appeal or manage a WCB claim in Canada. Especially if you are an employer that is dealing…