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WCB Training for Employers

For many companies it is the health & safety or human resource personnel that manage or appeal WCB claims. Which is why this WCB training is specifically designed for Health & Safety professionals and HR Managers to save their companies from lost time and huge WCB premiums.

Experience  the raw and unedited truth about the WCB system from Workers Comp Simplified. As an independent WCB consultant, Anthony Butkovic will take you and your company behind the scenes to teach you how the WCB system actually works.

Health & Safety Personnel

Escalating WCB costs? Our training helps implement proactive measures, reducing workplace injuries, minimizing claims and lowering company expenses.

HR Managers

Ineffective claims handling? We train HR managers to navigate injured worker claims efficiently, ensuring employees receive benefits, while curbing company costs.

Labour Managers

High claim-related expenses? Expert training in managing workers’ compensation reduces costs, improves workplace safety, and fosters a productive, cost-effective environment.

Why other WCB Training doesn’t work

The training that is available to employers is supported or put on by workers compensation boards in your province, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and others.

The associations are often funded by the WCB, and have to follow their rules when it comes to providing training. The training is long and complicated. It talks about what WCB wants YOU to do and not what you MUST do to protect your company and take care of your injured worker. 

Many clients forget what they should do when a worker reports an injury even after training and the result is to call a WCB claims manager. 

This leads to poorly managed claims which only cost companies more money. 

Productivity get affected and the ability to get jobs. Instead of being in control of a WCB claim, you’re at the mercy of WCB system that can’t help you properly. 

Which is why I’ve created WCB training from the employer perspective. The courses are focused on solutions to help you reduce WCB premiums & take care of your injured workers.

American Company? If you’re in the United States and opening an office in Canada, Workers Comp Simplified offers expert guidance and training for American companies to navigate the Canadian WCB system effectively, ensuring compliance and protection for employers and employees across borders. Find our more about our WCB Training for American Companies.

About Your WCB Trainer

WCB Industry Expert Anthony Butkovic

With over a decade of experience in Worker’s Compensation and representing employers across Canada since 2011, Anthony Butkovic and Workers Comp Simplified and team have saved employers over $12 million in premiums and rebates. In addition to savings in WCB premiums and rebates, our clients have been awarded millions more in work from successful job bids.

Over $12 Million in WCB Savings

For the past 10 years Anthony Butkovic is one of Canada’s most sought-after experts in Workers Compensation Helping businesses save over $12 million in WCB premiums while creating a culture in your company that takes care of workers and increases production. 

WCB, WSIB or Worksafe

Whatever your past experience with WCB, WSIB, or Worksafe the strategies found in my claims management and appeal training will help you build a solid health and safety team to manage and appeal WCB claims.

Anthony Butkovic, your experienced WCB Trainer
Workers Compensation Training
How our training works

I am not held hostage or influenced by what WCB, WSIB, or Worksafe says

As an independent resource for Employers, I am not held hostage or influenced by what WCB / WSIB / Worksafe says. Which allows me to provide you with information specific for employers to save time and money.

This advantage allows me to provide you with information specific for employers to save time and money. The training focuses on concepts that can be taught quickly and then applied the same day

The biggest benefit is that this information stays with you for years and can be applied to any claim situation. 

You have 2 options: We train you hands-on, or you train yourself.

Have a department trained to know what to do ahead of time

Imagine having a safety department that knows exactly what to do when a worker reports an injury

To know where to take them and what documents to complete. Companies that hire us get in-house training designed specifically for the team to meet any and all WCB issues. We help build your safety team and train HSE managers and advisors on exactly what to do step by step. This ensures you will always be one step ahead during a WCB claim.

If you don’t have time, but still need some basic knowledge, then our online courses here at Workers Comp Simplified can give you a high-level overview of what you can expect from our in-person training. Training is provided through our online WCB courses or in-house training which is created to make anyone a great WCB specialist

You’ll be able to create a team within your company that works together and relies on each other to properly manage or appeal any WCB claim.

In many cases, clients have reported that they knew the WCB program better than the WCB case managers they were dealing with.

Do you need any previous training or have a WCB claim?

Whether you have a WCB claim or not, my claims management training is designed to prepare your company to take the right action step-by-step through any WCB claim.

Our Workers Compensation training is designed to meet you where you’re at and bring you to an expert level quickly.

Regardless of your industry or province, whether you’re working with WCB, WSIB, or Worksafe, my WCB training has been proven to work.

How does it work?

  1. I begin by understanding your situation
  2. Together I help you identify the goals you and your business want to achieve
  3. I build a custom program for your company

As a former professional football coach in the Canadian Football League (CFL), I bring the same strategies used in pro sports, apply them to the 15+ years of WCB knowledge, to create a practical solution for WCB training unlike anything offered in Canada

How Much Experience Do You Need for WCB Claims Management Training?

Absolutely none! 

The WCB training & WCB program I create is customized to meet you, your team, and your organization at your current experience.

From there I teach you how to create a mindset that will allow your team to react quickly and efficiently to any reports of WCB claim or WCB appeal. How to work together and achieve amazing results almost immediately. 


What if Stuff Really Hits the Fan?

If at any point stuff really hits the fan and you’re not sure what to do…I’m there as your WCB representative to help you and get things on track for you to take over. I will coach you through the situation, so that you build your own confidence and experience with a trusted resource by your side.

We have trained:

Top Level Executives

  • CEO’s
  • Executives
  • Human Resources
  • Health and Safety Personnel

Health and Safety Managers

  • HSE Managers
  • EHS Mangers
  • Labour Managers
  • Project Managers
Need a WCB Representative now - Emergency
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Success Story

Melissa saved her company over $81,000 in WCB fines.

When we started working together she told me she didn’t have a lot of experience with WCB claims management or how to speak with WCB.  She admitted: “I often just made it up as I went along.

Health and Safety Specialist Saves Her Company over $81,000

Melissa is a Health and Safety specialist that had less than 6 months of experience managing WCB claims. She worked for a large company with over 500 employees. 

When we started working together she told me she didn’t have a lot of experience with WCB claims management or how to speak with WCB. 

I often just made it up as I went along.

Melissa, Health & Safety Specialist

Melissa explained that she was often frustrated because she couldn’t understand what WCB was saying to her…the WCB policies…or how the entire WCB process worked. 

The biggest shift happened for her early on when she realized using the information from the training allowed her to manage a claim instead of feeling like she was just processing. It gave her confidence to know she could take the lead and influence a claim knowing she could contact me when she needed to for support. 

Early on Melissa faced a very significant appeal for her company that put them at significant risk. 

Quickly we began WCB appeal training, and after 3 sessions she wrote a letter to defending the company against a WCB claim and won. This saved her company over $81,000 in WCB fines.

What she valued most was that she now understood WCB policies. That the training wasn’t only beneficial for her, but for her team as well. What questions to ask and information to gather when a worker reported an injury. 

Melissa’s company not only saved money on WCB premiums, but they were also able to manage and appeal WCB claims internally. Which saved them thousands of dollars in consulting and legal fees. 

I work to accommodate your schedule

How Much Time Does it Take for WCB Training?

When you hire me to provide you with WCB claims management training, then at a minimum you’ll want a session to be 1 hour.  If you don’t have any time because you’re that busy, then I will get you set up with my WCB coaching program. This will get you the information you need on the go. 

If you’d prefer self directed online WCB courses, you can search from my personal library of courses I’ve created. While not as specific or in depth as the in-person or virtual coaching, you will receive the basic knowledge you need to manage and appeal a WCB claim.